Resolutions, Goals, and a PLAN

by | Jan 2, 2013 | Life and all That

I posted on FB yesterday, January 1st, about the differences between resolutions and goals:

  • Resolution: a statement of intention
  • Goal: an achievement you aim for

They are not the same thing, but having one without the other is simply pointless. The final ingredient, of course, is having a plan to make it all happen.

For me, this meant breaking things down into goals I wanted to achieve and commitments (resolutions) on how to get there. I wrote them down (the plan!), and in the grand tradition of KimBoo York, I’m somewhat overreaching myself. But eh, that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?

For me, 2013 has three general goals: good health, financial prosperity, and job independence. Those are biggies, for me, and represent hurdles that in the past I’ve never managed to overcome.

But they are what matter to me. Period. Everything else can just go hang.

I know this doesn’t matter to you personally (for those few reading this) but I’m putting it out there for the sake of accountability. I want to say, when I reach my goals, “I told you so!”

lovin' on kimboo

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