1/10/2022 – Monday…the countdown begins

1/10/2022 – Monday…the countdown begins

Last week was such a blur at work that honestly I feel like today is the day the countdown begins for me to leaving this job for good. That makes me sad in some ways, as this was a soft, kind landing for me out of grad school and out of poverty back in 2013. But also...
1/8/2022 – Saturday! Back on schedule!

1/8/2022 – Saturday! Back on schedule!

Things have been hectic since I formally submitted my resignation last week, but that’s less a function of my doing so and more due to the fact that 1) it’s the first week of classes which is always hectic and 2) we’re getting ready for our new...
1/2/2022 – Sunday, brand new day

1/2/2022 – Sunday, brand new day

I have been playing this on repeat for two days, at irregular times but often enough: It came out in 1999 when I was 30 years old. I desperately wanted a “brand new day” in the years that followed, while also hiding behind my fears and grief as things just...

1/1/2022 – Saturday and NEW YEAR!

Last year (aka yesterday) I decided to Do It Different. And by “it” I mean New Year’s Eve. For over a decade, at least, I’ve not done much on NYE other than go to bed early like any other day. I thought treating it like any other day might,...
12/31/2021 – Friday, and Goodbye 2021!

12/31/2021 – Friday, and Goodbye 2021!

So here we are, folks. We made it! I’m feeling a bit conflicted about the turn over of the new year. Resolutions or no? Optimism or pessimism? Hope or hopelessness? It’s all about balance, ye olde yin and yang, but on the other hand the past few years...
12/30/2021 – Thursday

12/30/2021 – Thursday

The end of 2021 has crept up on me. Another year gone. Not wasted, but certainly not optimized either. There are both external and internal reasons for that, and as usual I’m left holding the ball and wondering what the rules of the game are. Such was my mood...

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