dawn at Lake Ella

7/17/2021 – Saturday

Yesterday morning’s update did not happen because I managed to fall asleep a little after 7 am. The night leading up to that was taken over by a bout of food poisoning, the details of which I will spare you. Suffice to say, there was no sleep to be had! I let work know I’d be late and then fell back into bed for some actual deep sleep, not getting up again until just before noon. Even then my intestines were not exactly pleased with me and I was still exhausted, so after an innocuous dinner I went to bed early.

Today has just been lazy (hence why this is late) but I did get up before 7 am to walk Keely. I think her stomach inherited my issues, as she was lethargic and trying to eat grass every two feet. Of course this makes me paranoid about her health, but she seems fine otherwise? Still eating and sleeping and peeing and pooping as usual. Never mind I’m getting up to check on her every 30 minutes! ahahaha…

Our walk went up to the Manor @ Midtown where Red Eye Coffee is, and where a few bars and restaurants used to be. The other day I said that nothing seemed to be happening with the old Finnegan’s Wake bar, which was a shame, but apparently someone is peeping on my blog because today this sign was on the front door:

Also, the Tally Democrat posted about the original owners of Fire Betty’s (an arcade bar) buying it back and moving it from its original location to the old Fifth & Thomas site. It’s a bigger space and better laid out, so I think it’s a good move. Which will still leave the old Fire Betty’s location empty, along with the Fox & Hound bar. That last is a super small space and I can’t imagine anything going in there other than a bar or perhaps a very small upscale boutique?

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