dawn at Lake Ella

7/15/2021 – Thursday

It just hit me that my birthday is about 1 month away. Huh. 52, how ya’ doin??? Looking good!

This morning was another early walk (*fist pump of triumph*) and the only other regular out is one I have not seen in a long time, Power Walk Woman…who was, actually, Power Jogging. She has a very distinctive stride, either way.

Keely was on the hunt, though. I thought maybe she was scenting the fox, since she put her nose to the ground and did not look up until we were on the last leg passing the Circle K towards home. Then I figured out for sure it was the fox, because she veered off course to a tree copse next to Monroe St. to sniff around the collection of leaves and pine needles with great interest. I yanked her back just before she tipped over to roll around in it because something weird caught my eye (she was operating on instinct and rolled around anyway, but at least it was just on the dirt). The “weird thing” turned out to be the skeleton of a duck, mostly gone. I’m absolutely positive it was a fox victim, because usually duck carcasses are picked up by the city long before they can decompose down to bone. In any case, what Keely doesn’t know is that she made a narrow escape from getting a bath this morning!

The other interesting thing I noticed is that the lights around the pond’s gazebo were all out. This is a set of high-powered LED lights that are part of the city’s draconian anti-homeless policies, and were put in place about two years ago to prevent people from sleeping in the gazebo.

This comparison shows the difference. On the bottom is gazebo as it normally looks these days, from a photo taken earlier this year; on the top, the dark void to the left of the fountain was the gazebo this morning.

gazebo comparison

I wonder if they were accidently turned off or vandalized. I don’t mind either way, they are an eyesore and blight.

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