{138} Scheduling creativity

by | Nov 2, 2016 | Writing

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

This is going to be short post, because I did not schedule well, and that’s what you get when you try to do NaNoWriMo along with finishing up two other writing projects while totally forgetting  that you need to write a blog post too.


I’m a creature of habit, and I’ve got a settled routine for when I get home: take doggie for a short walk, feed her dinner, make my own dinner, play with dog, eat my dinner, go and sit on the bed so doggie can cuddle for an hour, then when dog is napping again I sneak off to write. This works really well for the dog, you have to admit.

But it means that if I get home around six p.m. that I don’t sit down to write until nearly eight p.m., when I’ve already been up since five a.m. and spent all day at day!job. And I like to be in bed by ten p.m. because, as I just pointed out, I try to get out of bed around five a.m. and sleep is a thing I need, like, a lot.

I’m not sure how flexible this routine is, honestly. There just isn’t any more time in the day to horn in there. And I’ve got plans for Friday to go out to the movies with friends! Less time writing. 

Scheduling creativity is not out of the question; we are what we do, and if we make a habit of writing at a regular time every day, then, well, we’ll be writing every day. But scheduling doesn’t make up for being tired, or simply running out of time.

If I sound frustrated it is because I am, and I have no solutions at hand.


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