{137} NaNoWriMo, ENGAGE

by | Nov 1, 2016 | Writing

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

Today is Day 1 for National Novel Writing Month, and I’m not crying, you’re crying!!!

My word count for today was heaved out the door in desperation, but I made it to 1,805 words. My daily goal is 1,670, which is padding the requirements by a few words but I like the math better (50,000 divided by 30 is this ridiculous number, 1,666.666666666667, and seriously, what is .666666666667 of a word? No. Cannot deal. 1,670 it is.)

For the last few years I’ve been working on established stories, ones that already have traction in my scrivener, so it’s weird to be starting totally fresh. But I did it, and of course, the first thing that happened was that the meet not-cute between the two romantic leads was swapped out by my characters for something else entirely, which okay, sure. Whatever, characters, I’m just here trying to conduct a plot and write a story, don’t mind me, no go ahead, enjoy flirting in the tavern with someone who isn’t the romantic lead, that’s fine, I can wait.

*beats head on keyboard* 

I know a lot of people plan out their writing and go from point A to point B to point C in an orderly line, but…I have no idea what that even looks like. I’m less likely to jump around in a story than I used to be, but I have never and will never write in an orderly fashion. Usually, my characters have other ideas. Better ideas, I admit, but still.

Let the tears runneth free!!!!

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