Why We Get Fat

I try not to be too evangelical about going paleo, because diet really is a very personal choice and what works beautifully for me doesn’t work for everyone. But I feel I need to write about this book, which is not a book about paleo or is even a...

f.lux owns my soul…or, at least, my sleep

This here is a post about health issues. Read at your own risk. 😉 I have had insomnia for two nights in a row. For the last two years, outside of illnesses, this has been unusual for me. I evened out my sleep patterns when I went paleo, which solved the issue of...


Starting in December, I started a morning routine that I forced myself to stick to no matter when I got up, or how little time I could devote to it. Once I crawled out of bed (me=/=morning person) I did the following: mix and drink a high-protein, low-carb shake...

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