
Starting in December, I started a morning routine that I forced myself to stick to no matter when I got up, or how little time I could devote to it. Once I crawled out of bed (me=/=morning person) I did the following: mix and drink a high-protein, low-carb shake...

Happy New Year!

I’m hoping all of you had a wonderful evening and a restful, pleasant morning. May your entire year be one long happy memory in the making! I think 2012 is going to surprise me, and I mean in the “what a great present!” kind of way, not the...

Becoming an althete

My weight plateaued at 185 lbs. through most of summer, which I was okay with for the most part because I had lost 50 lbs. over the course of about six months, which is a HUGE physical adjustment. Also, I lost those pounds through diet changes (going paleo/primal)...

Running for Joy

As a girl, I always looked up to my Aunt Sheila because she was (and still is, in her 60s) a runner. To me, she represented the ideal of “healthy” because she ate right and she ran every day. It was something I admired from afar, though; my mother spent...

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