Going on 50 podcast update!

When I went back and checked, I was surprised to see that it has been over a year since I updated Going on 50. Well, maybe not too surprised…as I talk about in the podcast, this past year was not a creatively productive one for me, consisting mostly of stalled...

Finding Myself

[the following originated as a facebook post; I have expanded on it extensively here so it’s not the same text, but incorporates it and delves deeper into the idea.] I am so weary of cynicism. I get that it is my default, along with sarcasm, as a response to...

bad years are like controlled burns*

Today is the last day of 2017. There is a lot that history will say about 2017, with many unkind but highly accurate words. I think most of us have already been using those words, often laced with profanity. But this is essay is a personal reflection and, critically,...

The flip side of property insurance claiming

Thinking about property insurance claims? I bet you are. So listen up: I was a property insurance adjuster for Citizens Property Insurance from 2005-2007, dealing with the aftermath of the 2004 hurricane season, and Iā€™m going to give you advice. I know you all know...

Livejournal and days gone by…

I got my livejournal account wayyyy back in 2004; from there I updated it irregularly until I fell into fandom in 2007, when I became a power user of LJ and a huge proponent of the site. I paid for my accounts annually and probably would have kept doing so until...

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