dawn at Lake Ella

8/21/2020 – Friday

It was another pleasantly not-hot morning due mostly to the storms that churned through yesterday and last night, but that also made everything pretty damp. Keely was hilariously torn between sniffing all the things and staying far away from wet stuff.

I noticed, though, that the ducks were MIA. Usually after a strong storm they are out in droves, I assume pecking around for worms and bugs and such-like. But even the presence of Duck Guy carrying his bag of bread crumbs was not enough to drag them out of hiding. Which means, for those in the know, that bad weather is incoming.

Of course, anyone who watches the weather reports/apps knows this too. We have two (TWO) tropical storms heading into the Gulf, both of which have the potential to turn into hurricanes at any point. One is headed for Texas mostly and the other probably aiming straight for the panhandle once it clears the peninsula proper.

In other words: lots and lots of rain and wind ahead for the South.

I wonder if they might cancel each other out? But this is 2020 and we are not that lucky.

The ducks know what’s up, though, as animals usually do. Even Keely was a bit lethargic this morning, waking me up by belly flopping on me when the alarm went off but then promptly falling back asleep, strewn across me like a warm, panting rug.

Ahhhhh, the dog’s life!

Meanwhile work remains incredibly stressful, not because we are overworked (although for me this is the busiest time of the semester) but out of concern and fear re: the pandemic that Republicans want to pretend is not happening.

Not much we plebeians can do, in the moment. So we go to work and hope for the best.

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