dawn at Lake Ella

7/23/2020 – Thursday

Keely was in a mood this morning — eager to get me up and out the door (I move so slowly in the morning! I’d think it is a function of age but honestly I have been hard to roust in the morning since I was a young child) and then pulling me along the whole way.

She is usually a plodder, but this morning she was a jogger, prancing along at a fast pace around the little pond. But! Then! She steered off and cut the walk short by taking us up Ponce to 7th, super eager to get home.

Me, all morning: ??????????

She then promptly ate her breakfast followed by collapsing in a huff in her dog bed, where she is now snoring.

I would blame the weather, because it has been scorchingly hot these past few weeks, but honestly it was not terrible this morning. Warm and humid, of course, but not oppressively dank with heat radiating from every direction.

Mornings have been pretty of late, in that ‘big sky’ Florida way with the sun majestically rising up and gilding the scattered clouds with gold and orange and peach tones.

This photo was taken yesterday morning, and the sun rays in the shot are accurate to what I saw, which is interesting because honestly I rarely see rays of sunlight as defined as this. Something about air density and light refraction I’m sure but it was gorgeous.

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