dawn at Lake Ella

7/5/2021 – Monday

Holiday Monday! Which means the next four days at work will probably be stressful and busy, but for now I’m enjoying not having to log into work and pretend to care (I care! …about some of it…sometimes… *grimaces*)

Good news is that I saw actual ducklings! A new brood has appeared! I saw a very small one last week, only about 3 chicks, but this one is a bit bigger and more robust. Usually broods show up in April/May, and as I’ve noted before they have been conspicuously absent this spring. Even the Canada Geese only had a couple of goslings that I could see. So, late but welcome arrivals:


Otherwise, as you can see it was a gray and damp walk around the pond this morning. Keely was very skittish, which is unusual for her, and kept changing her mind about where she wanted to go or what side of the sidewalk she wanted to be on. I don’t know if this was due to perhaps the foxes being around, or if it is due to the weather. She’s normally unflappable (she slept through all the fireworks explosions last night, for instance) but when a storm is in the region she does tend to be unhappy about it. With Elsa so far out (it has not even hit Cuba at the time of this writing) I’d be surprised if that’s the case but who knows.

Lots of things I want to get done today — some straightening up, doing the laundry, keeping up with writing Bones & Brews, to name a few — but I’m feeling up for it.

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