dawn at Lake Ella

7/13/2021 – Tuesday

I actually got us out the door by 5:30am!!!! *fist pump of triumph*

Mind you Keely was not excited by this development, but to be fair, neither am I. A recent random twitter poll asked what time people go to bed and I had to put down 10pm although honestly I’m usually crawling into bed by 9:30pm to do some reading before nodding off. However that is a totally artificial sleep schedule, one I have cultivated for 8 years now and is only possible through the regular use of melatonin.

My natural sleep biorhythm still is and has been from childhood 1am-9am. The times I’ve been able to just let go and sleep at will (mostly, my first 1½ years of grad school, and earlier stretches of extended unemployment) that is what I default to. I miss it terribly.  I have to set alarms to get myself up early even on weekends and vacations because I am so prone to sliding back into that schedule and it is a bitch of a habit to break.

Honestly this is just another reason I want to work for myself, on my own schedule, rather than get another job. Of course, there do exist jobs with a swing shift schedule, or I could work for an international company and live on their time zone, but the fact remains that I just want to not be answerable to someone else for my damn sleep schedule. Gosh I hate capitalism.

ANYWAY, back to the ducks. Took this yesterday when we were out with the sun: the newest brood!


This morning I thought I would be out early enough to catch Have a Nice Day Guy, but either he’s MIA or I just missed him. Becky was out walking, though, and I have to say I will never understand how she parks. She always, ALWAYS, parks right at the driveway entrance to the small parking lot next to the cottages, but in a way where she is parked just before the parking space lines start. In short she’s parking illegally outside of the lines, and it has to be on purpose, because there is no reason for her to, it’s not as if the parking spaces along the sidewalks are packed busy. No one else is there, literally, no one! In fact, doing so puts the rear bumper of her SUV right at the parking lot entrance, so that if anyone did want to get in or get out chances are high they would nick her bumper. So weird.

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