dawn at Lake Ella

6/30/2021 – Wednesday

Writing this late as I slept in and then got busy at work once I got into the office.

(We’ve been told that we must all start showing up full time at the office starting August 1st, which I have feelings about, but in the meantime, I have another month of hybrid working onsite and at home to enjoy!)

Keely was tired as well, I think because we had a very late walk last night due to the rain keeping us inside until after 9 pm. She rallied though and off we went for what is, in retrospect, one of the most historic walks I’ve ever taken around Lake Ella. This is why:

blurry photo of a fish in the pond

That white blobby thing is a FISH. An actual, honest-to-god FISH. In the many many many years I have walked around this pond, I have never once seen a fish, much less one that is probably a foot long at least. I’m sure it got washed in by drainage due to the heavy (if brief) rains, so I feel a bit bad for it, but it was quite an adventure to see it, be confused, get closer, stare in shock, and finally think to take a photo of it.

There is, indeed, a lot of wildlife around the pond that isn’t ducks or geese — I’ve mentioned the foxes, and herons, but also turtles, and very tiny alligators. I’ve always assumed that fish of some sort live in the pond, but just really tiny ones that get eaten pretty quickly. This kind of fish is almost a Legendary Beast by comparison!

That said, Keely was not impressed.

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