dawn at Lake Ella

6/26/2021 – Saturday

Got out early for a Saturday, so enjoyed the diffused sunrise through a layer of clouds. Took a long walk too, which Keely was super happy about. She took us up to 3rd Ave. as usual and I noticed that the old Masa location at the corner of 3rd and Monroe St. is for lease. This is after a year or so of someone doing haphazard renovations on it, and I do wish I knew what had been planned to go in there, but it’s a moot point now I suppose. It’s a terrible strip mall but a fantastic location, so I’m curious what is going to happen to it.

Today’s photo is from a couple of days ago, and twitter followers might have seen it already, but it is Keely “helping” me with yoga in the evening:

keely on my yoga mat

She’s learned that at some point I will lay down completely and if she’s cute enough with her toys and rolling around, I will play with her! I am well trained, indeed.

I’m going to spend the rest of the day in a leisurely mode, taking time off from social media and maybe just sitting around doing nothing very purposefully. I don’t simply rest enough — honestly, escapism is not rest even if it looks like it! I need to recharge in a healthy way rather simply avoid my feelings. It’s a day where if I did have a car, I’d drive to the beach just to watch the waves…

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