30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself

by | Dec 27, 2011 | Life and all That

I’m not going to list them here, because another blog did such a good job. I particularly related to #1 (“Stop spending time with the wrong people”) because that has been a hard lesson for me to learn — I’ve craved approval so much in my life that I tend to gravitate to those who show me any sign of it, even if they are essentially unhealthy for me to be around. My goal for the last year was to learn to avoid spending time with negative people who find their own worth in putting others down, and it meant withdrawing myself from the friendships of some people I have been close to for years. It wasn’t easy, in fact few things on this list are, but they are all critically important in order to live a healthy life:

30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself.

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