{127} NaNo prep is starting! *incoherent screaming*

by | Oct 21, 2016 | Writing

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

I’ve written before about my NaNo novel, which is a full re-write and completion (planned!) of my WIP Link in the Chain. It’s expanding out from first person POV present tense to tight third person past tense, mostly because I feel I need to include more perspectives on the plot. The two female leads will be primary, and I think I’ll be keeping it to just their voices, but there is still a hell of a cast to juggle.

Do you see the fear in my eyes? *tries not to blink*

So I have take the old, ancient incomplete draft and completely redo it. I need to update the wiki I have for the story (wikis are how I do world building, it’s very convenient). I have some research to do as well.

I’m excited, though! I’ve worked with Kim McShane to mold the plot into something interesting and “believable”. It’s going to feature adventure and romance and ghosts, but also include themes of class privilege and racism in the South, and the history of both. It’s…going to feature a three year old. wtf.

…like I said, research.

*rubs hands together*

lovin' on kimboo

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