Life Like an Ent

Life Like an Ent The student looked at me in awe. “You were a vegetarian for years?” The idea amazed her. I nodded, not quite sure where this deep admiration was coming from. Yes, I was a vegetarian for years. I would say for the majority of my 20s I was a vegetarian....

Red Tide is OUT

Red Tide is OUT As I write this, today is February 14th aka Valentines Day. Everything is awash with blood red decorations and it seems so very symbolic because it is also the day that signals the end of my beginning: today is the first day of menopause for me. For...

Freedom is a Word

Disclaimer: This is an essay about the emotional state of freedom as a mindset, but I do not buy into the belief that we create our entire reality — we live in a world with other people, with politics, with wars, with disease. Externally, we are all restricted at some...


My M/M/F book Wolves of Harmony Heights was written back in 2015/2016, and has zilch to do with my recent (as of late 2019) dive into Chinese webnovels and dramas. But as this dive keeps getting deeper, I realized that in writing that book I was searching for novel...

And now for a brand new year…

I realize all the cool kid eschew New Year’s resolutions, with a given value for ‘cool kids’ being my group of friends plus assorted publications and other ‘online influencers’, but I digress. I get it. We have all been making New...

Dog Attack 2k18 *sad face*

Anyone who keeps up with me on social media knows by now that Keely was attacked by a loose dog last night. Some have asked for what happened, and I tend to work things out emotionally by writing about it anyway, so here is a tl;dr recap of the events as they went...

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