{84} ugh crossposting

by | Sep 4, 2016 | Writing

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

I love Medium but I trust no one

I’ve been through too many blog migrations to believe that any service/product is going to be around forever, or be free forever, or be uncensored forever. One reason I host my own blog (www.kimboosan.net) is so I have my content under my control.

I love writing on Medium, though, because it’s got a great interface and fantastic social networking. The “distraction free” writing mode in WP is still not as clean as the Medium interface, but exporting content out of Medium is a hassle. In the meantime Medium has my content under complete control–if they lock my account tomorrow, I lose everything.

To work around that, I could write all my posts on my personal blog and use the Medium plugin to crosspost…and in fact that is exactly what I am doing with this post. I want to see how it looks.

So, I’m writing in WP at my own site, where a copy of my writing will be saved until I decide to delete it or lock it, and crossposting to Medium because as of right now there is no way to do the reverse.

Ugh, complications…

lovin' on kimboo

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